Wednesday 31 July 2013

Welcome Back to Term 3

Wow this year is going so quickly, we are into August and the third term already .. very crazy!!

Just thought I would update with a URL of an awesome maths site I found over the holidays which you can sign up to. It all links to the work we are doing in class

first 1 is called E-Ako which I have had a look around and is lots of fun, children pick a little character for themselves and earn coins while having fun doing the maths activities.
All you need to do is register and sign your child up with a user name and password and let the fun begin =)

The second 1 is digital learning objects which has maths games and activities to support all areas.
Your child should be doing activities under the strands in Level 2 but if these are a little tricky they can always start with level 1 first.
Same as above your child will need to register  for a user name and password to be able to play these games.

I hope these are helpful for you.

As always if you have any questions email me or come into school and see me.

I look forward to another hard working term, children have settled back in well already its amazing to see how grown up they are becoming =)

Amy Pickerill
Classroom Teacher

Sunday 30 June 2013

Maori Language Week

This week is Maori Language Week at school.

On Monday, Thursday and Friday middle blocks 10:50-12:30 children will be taking part in many different activities around the school run by our amazing teachers. Things such as dance, drama, mask masking, poi's, maori landscape art and a legends mural.

On Friday there will be a Kapa Haka performance for Maori Language Week from 9:30am which you are all welcome to attend and see all the hard work we have put into learning our songs and the actions. You will need to park on the field if you are attending this, just up the long driveway past the staff cars and through the gate at the top.

On Friday afternoon we will be doing some tabloid sports events, this will start at 1:15pm. This is a chance for our children to show you the Maori games they have learnt with Richard (from project energize) this term. These groups will be mixed across the school and there is a lot of fun to be had by all.

Kai Festival

Thank you to all those children and parents that contributed to our Kai Festival. We had a wonderful time sharing Kai with our friends and family. Both feedback from parents and students has being very positive.

Clean up was a breeze thank you to all of those that helped out with that.

Sunday 16 June 2013

Amazing Writng

In Room 2 we have being working on our sentences, power words (adjectives, onomatopoeia, adverbs and hooks). We have being talking about how when we read the writer uses there descriptions to create a picture in our mind as we read. This was our mission!!!

This week we used Kahu as our 'expert' and he was an expert on Kite surfing. We watched a video of his family holiday to Rarotonga and the kite surfing they did. Our task was to create a picture in our reader’s mind of how we would feel during our imaginary kite surfing experience.

Below is the video we watched of Kahu's Families kite surfing adventure!!

Over the week I am hoping to share some of the stories the children have written for your to read. We were all very proud of our work.

'I was in the water I felt excited. I started to do some kite loops it was lots of fun. My kite hit the water because I did to many kite loops. Sometimes I go with my Dad between his legs and I go across to the other island' - By Kahu

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Mish Mash Tv

Mish Mash Tv came to visit us on the 10th of May.
As a junior school we showed them how our buddy reading system on a Friday works.

There are also some other videos of our senior children singing songs and showing the presenters around the new hall and technology areas. 

Here is the link so you can watch it, if you haven't already

Monday 3 June 2013


I hope everybody had a safe and relaxing long Queens Birthday weekend.

I am so pleased with how settled Room 2 are becoming this term and how switched on we are becoming with our learning. Everyone is making great progress and its awesome to see when children are finally clicking and having that light bulb moment of 'ohhhh I get it now', makes my job as a teacher very rewarding. 

Thank you to all those parents who came to watch assembly and thank you for the feedback on it. The children worked really hard on it and this showed as it was executed really well on the day. I was so pleased with everyone’s effort at cross country and the way we were a team and cheered everybody on, it was wonderful to see. Notices should be going home within the week or so if your child placed well enough to go to inter-schools at Waitatuna in a few weeks time.

This week Richard from project energize will be in on Thursday to do some traditional Maori games with us, in preparation for the Kai Festival and Ruben the Road Safety Bear will be visiting us on Friday morning.

We will be continuing The Lorax for 1 more week and then we will be moving onto our family traditions and cultures which will link in with the Kai Festival in Week 7.

As always if you need to see me about anything please just email or call the school and we can set up an appointment.

Amy Pickerill

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Maths online to help at home

Here are a list of sites that you can go on at home to help your child with their maths.
I will add more whenever I find any other great maths sites.

I did talk to you some of you at student led conference about studdyladder. If you go on this site you can sign up as a parent and have full acess to all the activites online some are interactive and some you can print off it is up to you.

Hope this is helpful

Welcome to Term 2

Welcome back to Term 2.

I am so pleased with how settled all the children have come back to school, and having a great attitude towards their learning.

Thanks to all those parents who came to the Student Led Conference it was lovely to see you all again and meet some new parents. Those who could not make it in to school I have sent the learning journals home for you to look at. Can you please return the learning journals back to school as soon as you can.

This term holds some exciting things for us in room 2.

We have pink shirt day on 17 May which is a day to celebrating creating relationships with others and has an anti bullying message to go with it as well. The story behind it being pink is that a boy was teased for wearing a pink shirt, and he said it was ok to wear pink as a boy. So hence why it is called pink shirt day =)

Our assembly day is Thursday 30 May which you are all welcome to attend and see all the exciting learning we have being doing in room 2 over the term so far.

We are learning about taking care of our environment and using The Lorax as our inspiration towards that unit. We are still doing lots of exciting maths, reading, writing and loads of other activities to keep our brains engaged and learning.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Education Outside The Classroom 2013


Rooms 1, 2 and 3 enjoyed many activities over the past week for their education outside the classroom experiences.

Tuesday we had a teddy bears picnic in the multipurpose room as the weather was a little iffy. We all had fun having morning tea with our teddy bears and our friends while we listened to some great teddy bear stories.

Wednesday we walked up Mount Baldy. We took our morning tea up the mountain and did some sketching of the amazing view from the top. We were lucky with the weather and had an amazing adventure as we had to climb, hike and aviod the cow poo that was all over the ground ewwwww.

Thursday we had a trolly pushing derby. We had to get into groups of 3 and everyone had a turn at pushing their friends around the course and a turn at steering the trolly around the course. We had so much fun and big thanks to Basil for getting the trollys out of his shed. After our trolly derby we built huts with our friends. We had so much stuff to make our huts from such as boxes, tables, blankets and chairs


Over the past 4 weeks we have being looking at rock pool creatures. We had to group the rock pool creatures by using our imganations. In small groups we had to discuss and share with the class why we grouped our creatures the way we did.

Some interesting ideas we came up with

'we grouped these creatures together because they are slimy looking' - Chloe, Fox, Isabelle and Cheesie. 

'we grouped these creatures together because they all have hard shells' - Reia, Frances-Lily and Charlotte.

'we grouped these creatures together because they all have stinging tentacles' - Hudson, Joshua, Charlie, Jack and Kahu.

 'we grouped these creatures together because they have no eyes but are still able to move around' - Ahina, Cassidy, Brianna and Nellie - May.
'we grouped these creatures together because you can eat these creatures' - Sophie, Amara, Caitlin and Coco.

'we grouped these creatures together because they all have little holes in them' - Ben, Daneka, Ollie and Nils.

Monday 25 March 2013

Welcome to Room 2 @ Te Uku School


WOW!!! What a crazy busy term we have had some far.
We finally we have our own blog spot.
On this blog you can look and read about all the amazing things we have being getting up to in Room 2 with Miss Pickerill at Te Uku School.